Monday, October 19, 2015

I Walked a Half Mile...Twice!

               So this past Saturday was the big day, the day I was supposed to finally walk a half mile and reach the goal I'd set for myself on the first of the year.

               Damn it was chilly out! It was like 48 degrees that day with about a 3 - 5 mph constant wind. But damn was it beautiful! Bright, crisp, sunny with great, high clouds for as far as you could see. Beautiful! And along with my girls, I was accompanied by my brother and sister-in-law Ed and Teri, and our good friend Heather. At 1:00pm on the dot the six of us set out to walk a half mile. Everyone was in good spirits despite the temp. and we were joking and talking the entire way.

               Before I even realized what had happened the half mile point was within easy walking distance and so I reached it with much support and celebration from my friends and family. But I put a twist on it...MWAHAHAHAHA! I had decided that depending on how easy the half mile was, I was going to push on and do a mile. If the half mile was difficult, I'd call it a day and still have accomplished what I set out to do that day. Well, as I said the half mile point was right ahead of me before I even knew what had happened and I decided to push on through. So as I was recording my my half mile accomplishment I said that we had to get back to our cars and to do that we were going to turn around and go back, walking a full mile by the time we were done. And that's exactly what we did.

               It took me 10 months to go from barely being able to walk like 26 feet to being able to walk a mile. I went from being wheelchair dependent to now only using it as a platform to do certain exercises on...and using it when I have long times spent in grocery stores. I got up out of my wheelchair and I overcame years of destruction to my joints, years of weakening of my muscles and years of feeling defeated. And I did it all because I wanted to badly enough, because I wanted to walk again. A decision, and the willpower to follow through with it, was all it was.

               So just think, with a decision and the willpower to follow through with it, what amazing thing can YOU do today, tomorrow, 10 months from now? ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO! Trust me, I know. And I'm not even done with that part of my journey yet. I've decided to start working towards distance walking and I've set another goal for myself with just that in mind. I will complete a 5k walk before the last day of Spring, 2016. 3.1 miles. Sounds like fun, eh? HAHAHA! If nothing else it'll be entertaining to watch.

Have a great Today and remember, where you are now never has to be where you stay

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